Lesson 1. Introduction: Why Interpret The Bible In It's Own Ancient Context?
Lesson 2. Where The Story Begins Encountering Metaphor.
Lesson 3. What Does The Bible Mean By The Image of God?
Lesson 4. How Do We Image God? Imaging AS Partnership
Lesson 5. Nothing Is Perfect But God. How God's Creative Decisions Help Us Process Evil.
Lesso 6. Supernatural Rebellion In The Cosmic Mountain-Garden Of God.
Lesson 7. The Second Supernatural Rebellion, Part 1: The Fallen Sons Of God.
Lesson 8. Rebellion Part2: The Acceleration Of Human Depravity.
Lesson 9. The Third Rebellion: Part 1: Human Failure At Babel And God's Judgement.
Lesson 10. The Third Rebellion, Part 2: Cosmic Geography And God's Redemptive Plan.
Lesson 11. The Third Rebellion, Part 3: Deuteronomy 32:8 and Psalms 82.
Lesson 12. The Good News Preached to Abraham: Introducing God as Man in the Old Testament.
Lesson 13. Out of Egypt I Have Called my Son: The Exodus as Spiritual Warfare.
Lesson 14. Imaging God and Bearing His Name: Salvation as Believing Loyalty.
Lesson 15. Where the (Demons) Wild Things Are: Chaos, Holiness, Sacred Space.